jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012


Distancia Distance: 1050 km
Tiempo estimado Time: 12:24 hours

Source:Ruta O

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Travel Diary


 It was half past eight in the evening and we were all on the terminal ready to leave, we were called one by one and we were getting on the bus, which was decorated by the coordinators, Tiri and Angel, who went with the teachers  Alicia, Beatriz, Pablo and Ruben with us, thanks to them our trip was wonderful. 

We had a dinner on Pinto, a place of our city, at 00.00, in a very picturesque bar. After dinner we return to the bus because we were very tired, so we slept until eight o'clock the next day, we arrived in the city of Rosario, toured the city, met the Flag Monument  and other important things and then we left for our final destination, Buenos Aires, we arrived at two o'clock in the afternoon approximately, and had lunch at a restaurant in Nuñez, we went to a city tour of the city, knowing the Monumental, the neighbourhood of La Boca, which is very attractive due to the number of colours, we also visited the Riachuelo, which unfortunately is very polluted. Finally we went to the hotel, which was very nice and comfortable, we make the check in, and we went to a local restaurant to had dinner, then we went to bed as we were very tired and we had to get up early the next day

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

Vamos a Buenos Aires - Let´s go to Buenos Aires


A dias de realizar uno de los mejores viajes juntos, y el ultimo! Ansiosos esperando que pasen las horas para llegar a Buenos Aires. No sólo que compartiremos momentos juntos y tendremos anécdotas para contar sino que tambien aprenderemos mucho, sobre todo historia Argentina, ya que visitaremos el Congreso, la Casa Rosada, y muchos otros lugares, algunos interesantes otros un poco aburridos, pero en fin todos juntos y aprendiendo cada dia un poco más.
No es el primer viaje que realizamos con el colegio, tenemos otras experiencias y recuerdos algunos muy buenos otros no tanto, esperamos que el viaje sea tan bueno o mejor que el viaje a mendoza, que sin duda hasta ahora, fue el mejor.

A day to make one of the best trips together, and the last! Anxious for the hours to pass and finally get to Buenos Aires. Not only will share time together and have stories to tell, also learn a lot especially Argentina history as we visit the Congress, the Pink House, and many other places, some of them interestings, others a bit boring but in the end all together and learning each day a little more.
 It isn`t the first trip we made with the school, we have other experiences and remembers some good some not so, we hope that the journey is as good or better than the trip to Mendoza, which certainly so far, was the best.